Week 26 of Odd Prompts: 2024 Edition

Halfway through the year, here we are, another week of prompts. Keep trying! Not every try is a success, but every attempt makes forward progress, even if it feels like you’ve slid backwards. Movement, in any direction like the Brownian motion of gas molecules, comes out in the final equation to be ‘forward’ in the grand sum of things.

AC YoungThe weird thing about the region was that it had plenty of lakes, but none of them had lake in their names.Leigh Kimmel
Becky JonesThe street was unnervingly quiet.Cedar Sanderson
Leigh KimmelThe harder I worked to get finished, the longer it seemed to take.nother Mike
PadreThey barely beat the storm home.AC Young
Fiona Grey“Someone returned the stolen turtle this morning.”Padre
nother MikeSomeone yelled “Taste the rainbow” as the skies poured skittles all over the ground…Becky Jones
Cedar SandersonThe ship’s hold was full of trade goodsFiona Grey

You don’t know until you try. And if you take a spare, you can try something new, something you haven’t done before. What is it you’ve been tempted to create, but weren’t sure you could succeed at? Do that!

SpareThe ancient ruins were no longer enigmatic
Spare“Yeah, the problem started when he heard ‘morning’ rather than ‘mourning,’ and it went downhill from there.”
SpareThe institute across the boulevard was where the future was invented.
SpareHe held the lantern high and held his breath as he peered into the darkness.
SpareWhy aren’t there warning signs in department stores where the perfumes and other stinks hold sway?
SpareThe antique traders brought puzzles…
Visual Prompt by Cedar Sanderson, rendered with MidJourney

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