Week 8 of Odd Prompts: 2024 Edition

The creative spark can be elusive. We are busy, that doesn’t help keep the embers burning. Our mood dampens the flame, or the mood of our partner. So many things quench the imagination and leave us feeling subdued and dead inside. Here’s where the prompt can help, yes, but also… have you eaten? Drunk water today? Gone out to see the sunshine as recently as possible? Taken a walk? Check all those off, while mulling over the prompt, and suddenly you may find the mental fireworks are whizzing off all over with the sparkling trail of inspiration.

Fiona Grey“Have you ever heard the adage, ‘suffer in silence’? It applies to this situation, my friend.”Padre
AC YoungCommunications between Solar Mining Corp headquarters and the Jovian moons were bad. As a result the admin teams attached to the mining operations in the Jovian moons were horribly inefficient.Becky Jones
Becky JonesThey did not expect a dragon to enter the baking contest.AC Young
Padre“The trip was fun, but it was good to be home at last.”Leigh Kimmel
Leigh KimmelIt wasn’t a windfall. It was a warning.nother Mike
nother MikeWhen they started recruiting witches for the border patrol, things got magical…Fiona Grey

Sometimes the above is not enough. That’s perfectly all right. You can try again. If you didn’t feel up to sending in a prompt, grab a spare. Work through it, and keep your chin up. The sparks never dire entirely.

Spare“My name is Lemon Pepper.”
SpareThe cat was perfectly ordinary, but for the jaunty riding hat perched percariously above one ear.
SpareA fin three feet high blended with the wave’s crest before vanishing into the depths.
SpareA yellow frog, a green frog, and a purple frog sat on the judge’s bench.
SpareAnd then it crawled out of the dumpster…

Come back and show us what you’ve done in the comments below. We look forward to sharing ourselves!

Visual Prompt (Art by Cedar Sanderson, rendered with MidJourney)


  1. This week Becky Jones and I tossed sparks at each other, with she supplying: They did not expect a dragon to enter the baking contest.

    I didn’t attempt to explain how a dragon could bake, but it’s a fun scenario.

    “Welcome to another episode of ‘Outstanding Baker of the United Kingdom’!”

    The male presenter took over from the lady presenter. “We are still in the middle of the Regional Heats. Today we are in Mid Wales, at Aberystwyth!”

    The presenters threw their arms wide, and the theme tune started playing, and the opening credits started to run.

    Lizzie looked across to Acuti, her pigmy cold drake pair. “Why was it you wanted to watch this episode?”

    “You’ll see. She hasn’t appeared yet.”

    Very uninformative. What a surprise. Lizzie had learnt that Acuti wasn’t fond of giving information that she felt that her mage could figure out for herself.

    The title credits came to an end. Once more the lady and male presenters filled the shot.

    “Yes. Today we will see who will proceed out of the heats to represent Mid Wales in the Finals.”

    “All the local heats have been completed. Now only the best bakers of Mid Wales are left to compete for the right to compete against the best that the rest of the country has to offer.”

    “And one of the biggest surprises in the local heats was Carys Cynffon-Ysgarlad.”

    The camera cut out to show a scarlet dragon, a traditional Welsh dragon, taking a cake out of the oven between her (Carys was a girl’s name, wasn’t it?) front paws.

    “Carys has beaten all others at two rounds of local heats so far. Today, in the regional round, she will compete for the first time in front of the television cameras.”

    The programme shifted to introducing the other five competitors. As it did so, Lizzie turned to Acuti again. “How does she do it?”

    “Our scales mean we don’t get burnt easily.”

    “No, the cooking, silly.”

    “I don’t know. I couldn’t do it.”

    No, Acuti couldn’t do it. She was far too small. But the presenters were starting to introduce the first task, so Lizzie turned her attention back to the tele.

    “Welcome contestants to the Mid Wales Heat. There will be two baking tasks today, which will be judged by this competition’s Scottish judge, Angus MacDuff. ‘Lead on, Macduff!’”

    “Thank you, Georgia. For your first task, I want you to cook a meat pie. It can have any filling, as long as it contains a noticeable quantity of meat. It must be at least 8 inches in diameter and at least 3 inches tall. It must have a shortcrust pastry base and a shortcrust pastry crust.”

    “Thank you, Angus. Contestants, you will have four hours to prepare and cook your pies.”

    “Let the Baking Begin!”

    There followed various shots of the contestants cooking, before a series of vignettes of the chef asking each of the contestants what they were preparing. The third of the contestants was Carys.

    “So, Carys, what are you cooking this morning?”

    “I’m doing a venison and beef pie.”

    “Just the meat?”

    “The meat’s the important bit. There will be stock and veg to make it edible for humans.”

    “Well, I hope it tastes a lot better than it sounds,” Angus chuckled, before moving on.

    “What! It sounds exquisite!” complained Acuti, who loved her meat, at the screen.

    After the vignettes finished, there were more shots of various cooking things, with Carys being particularly prominent as the only dragon in the competition.

    Eventually the task was over, and the contestants had all successfully decanted their pies onto a plate – with the exception of one whose pie had broken apart as it came out of the tin.

    One by one, the contestants carried their pies up to the tasting table, where Angus awaited with a measuring tape and cutlery.

    Acuti perked up as Carys brought her pie to be tasted. But first, Angus confirmed the dimensions – it passed. Then he cut the pie open and started to taste it.

    “A nice crust. The filling is, oh yes, it is delicious. The meat is really tender, the sauce is rich and well flavoured, the veg is soft.”

    Before long Carys had come first in the pie challenge. But it was only the first challenge.

    After a short ad break, the contestants gathered to hear the details of the second challenge.

    “It is now time for our esteemed judge to tell you what you will be baking next. Angus?”

    “Thank you, Gareth. For your second and final task, I want you to cook a fruit cake. It must be 9 inches in diameter, and the taller the better. I expect a decent proportion of fruit, and will be marking down any cake that doesn’t contain enough.”

    “Thank you, Angus. Contestants, you will have four hours to prepare and bake your cakes.”

    “Let the Baking Begin!”

    Lizzie looked across as Acuti, who looked very disappointed. “Not the task for you?”

    “Fruit cakes! They don’t taste nice at all. No meat, nor anything else tasty.”

    Lizzie kept her humour behind her lips with an effort.

    Back on screen, the presenters went around the contestants, chatting with them about their cakes. They had plenty of time to do so, as everyone was baking their cakes for multiple hours.

    Before long the contestants were shown taking their cakes out of the ovens, taking them out of the tins, and putting them on wire racks to cool.

    The task was soon over, and the tasting began. This time Angus’ comments on Carys’ cake made it sound as if she was somewhere in the middle of the pack. But no ranking on the second task was given.

    Instead after a short discussion between the presenters and judge about the relative merits of each contestant, the programme showed the contestants gathered to hear the final verdict.

    “This has been a very competitive heat, but there can be only one winner.”

    “And that winner will go on to represent Mid Wales in the Finals of ‘Outstanding Baker of the United Kingdom’. Now over to our Scottish judge, Angus, to give the final verdict.”

    “Congratulations to all our contestants. This has been a very difficult decision, but the winner, and this year’s ‘Outstanding Baker of Mid Wales’ is … Carys Cynffon-Ysgarlad!”

    Everyone on screen clapped and applauded the draconic victor. Then the end credits ran.

    As the credits ran, Lizzie looked across at Acuti. “You’re going to want to watch the Finals aren’t you.”

    “Yes, please!”

    Lizzie sighed and resisted shaking her head. Still, it had been a pleasant evening.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Leigh Kimmel sparkled with …

    It wasn’t a windfall. It was a warning.

    [let’s see…]

    When the company suddenly issued huge cash bonuses to every stockholder, the stockholders were thrilled. But it wasn’t a windfall, it was a warning.

    [hum, I don’t want to do economics…]

    The hospitals thought the growth in teenagers coming for diagnosis of their mental and physical problems was a windfall for their profits, but it wasn’t a windfall, it was a warning. By the time they realized that the swelling tide of mental and physical problems was an epidemic, it was too late to save the next generation. That’s right, they were all tinfoil heads!

    [sorry, sorry, I’m not clicking this week.]

    [so, I thought I would ask ChatGPT about it…]

    I need to write a short story or flash fiction, based on the writing prompt “It wasn’t a windfall. It was a warning.” Can you write such a piece?

    Title: The Warning

    It wasn’t a windfall. It was a warning. That’s what my grandmother used to say whenever unexpected good fortune came our way. But I never truly understood the depth of her words until that fateful day.

    It started like any other ordinary Tuesday. I was sipping my morning coffee, scrolling through emails, when I received a notification from an unknown sender. The subject line read, “Congratulations! You’ve Won!”

    Curiosity piqued, I opened the email to find out that I had won a luxury vacation package to a secluded island resort. The excitement bubbled within me as I read through the details. It seemed too good to be true, but there it was—a free trip to paradise.

    Despite the nagging feeling of skepticism, I decided to embrace the unexpected blessing. Packing my bags, I embarked on the journey, leaving behind the hustle and bustle of city life for the tranquility of the island.

    The resort exceeded my wildest expectations. Pristine beaches, azure waters, and lush greenery greeted me at every turn. For days, I lounged under the sun, indulging in gourmet meals and exhilarating adventures.

    But amidst the paradise, a subtle unease lingered in the air. Whispers of caution brushed against my consciousness, urging me to pay heed to the warning hidden within the windfall.

    Then, on the seventh night of my stay, a fierce storm descended upon the island without warning. Winds howled, waves crashed against the shore, and darkness enveloped the once-idyllic landscape.

    In the chaos of the tempest, I realized the true nature of my fortune. It wasn’t a windfall—it was a warning. A warning of the fragility of life, the unpredictability of fate, and the importance of cherishing every moment.

    As the storm raged on, I sought refuge in the shelter of the resort, grateful for the reminder that sometimes, blessings come wrapped in unexpected guise. And as the dawn broke, casting a golden light upon the battered island, I emerged with a newfound appreciation for the delicate balance between fortune and fate.

    Aha! Nicely done! Thank you.

    You’re welcome! I’m glad you enjoyed it. If you have any more requests or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

    [I’ll be darned. Not bad… okay, I’m gonna be lazy this week, and let the AI do it…]


  3. Fiona Grey suggested ““Have you ever heard the adage, ‘suffer in silence’? It applies to this situation, my friend.” I’ve returned to the Russia-esque fairy tale. I’m not sure if I’m going to use it, but it’s an interesting blurb.

    “I have no idea who you are, child. I do not know what you think you are about. I am queen. I am your ruler. I am the ultimate power in this land. And I will be obeyed.”
    “You? You might rule now. But you learned your power from others. I know your past. You threw over your first master to learn from Baba Yaga. You chased out the true ruler of this land, the Sun Princess, usurping her throne and forcing her to flee into the dark.”
    “You know much. Too much. So I must make sure you cannot spread these stories.” The witchqueen waved her hand and a hard shell of ice enveloped the bottom of Alexi’s face, binding his mouth closed. “I will make sure you suffer for this, as no one has suffered in this kingdom since I took my rightful place as ruler. Have you ever heard the adage ‘suffer in silence?’ It applies to this situation, my friend.”
    “I will find out who you are, where you came from.” The ice began to grow, sweeping up his face and down his neck and shoulders. “You will stand here, a frozen statue, and watch while I bring everyone you have ever loved here and destroy them. I can have no challenges to my rule. People will speak of your fate and your village’s fate a thousand years hence and tremble to remember it.”
    Alexi stood there, feeling the ice grow over his body. Then, he felt a slender hand on his shoulder and heard a quiet voice in his ear. “No one who has my favor will ever be harmed by the ice and cold, Alexi.”
    Warmth swept through him and the ice melted away, then vanished in a puff of steam. “No.” he said. “It’s over. You are finished. I have found the Sun Princess and she is returning. I bear her favor and your power is broken.”

    Liked by 2 people

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